Wednesday, January 6, 2010

as for me...

and my house, we will serve the LORD! Joshua 24:15

we did our scavenger hunt today! can you find any houses in this pic?
rule 1: they had to take turns!
rule 2: you say the verse every time you find a house!
then, the teacher in me couldn't pass up the opportunity to work on our reading skills. i had the kids put the verse in order while working on site words.
we hung it in the bathroom where we would be reminded of it everyday!
it was a HUGE hit!!


  1. What an awesome idea! I love it! I will copy it one day - when my boys can memorize. :) So cute!
    -Breck (aka Sparkler)

  2. I'm very impressed! Way to use your time wisely while Lance is away - Allie and Caleb will probably never forget this!

  3. LOVE this! we'll def do it too! keep giving me ideas ;-)

  4. What a wonderful idea and creative way of teaching God's word! I'm so proud of all of you. A&C sure look like they are lovin' it.


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