Monday, October 26, 2009

block party

our church began having a fall block party in a public park last year. it is an excellent way to rub elbows with people who might not normally come through church doors. there is food, music, games, and of course CANDY!!! we prayerfully went hoping that we would get to speak into someone's life.

here is our little monkey!

allie and caleb looked so cute in their football and cheerleader outfits!
it wouldn't have been complete without more junk food to cap our night off. yes, we fed our kids cotton candy at 8pm!
but, before you judge... look what we ate!!! HA!
best funnel cake and chili cheese fries we've had in a while!

although we didn't get to have any super deep conversations with strangers, we hope that we blessed people at our face painting booth with smiles and joy!


  1. what a fun event... looks like EVERYONE in the family had fun!

  2. With all the cute and/or goofy faces and cool costumes, how could you NOT have blessed someone at that event. I got blessed just looking at the pictures!

  3. REALLY like the costumes - and oh I could have hurt myself on all that food - my rear is glad that I wasn't there!

  4. the foood! the kids look soooo cute! they need some little baylor outfits ;-) actually my kids do too...


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