Tuesday, August 28, 2012

back to school

with school starting back and two of our kiddos attending public school we had lots to get ready for.  if you haven't ever read our reasoning for choosing public click here.  the same thoughts/ prayers applied this year to both of our oldest.  however, that is a decision that we don't take lightly so before they head of into "the world" we have some things to go over.  we try to make it fun, but intentional for what they are needing.

lance took caleb to a baseball game and got to talk to him about confidence, respect, and  I Corinthians 16:13.  they also had a few conversations about safety and appropriate behavior because you just never know what your sweet ones will encounter.

this year i took allie to paint pottery.  we got to talk about Ephesians 1:10 and what it means.  our goal for her is to remember who she is and whose she is.  we also had a little more in depth discussion about our bodies and some things that come with that.  ;)

 we decided it would be fun to make a "special plate" that we can use to celebrate fun accomplishments throughout the year!  we haven't gotten it back yet, but we're excited to see how it turned out.  she painted purple on the front and orange on the back (for the boys)!

first day breakfast! muffins and scrambled eggs! yummo!

let's do this!!! 
i love the difference in boys and girls... allie wanted to wear a cute skirt and dress up and caleb just wanted his cool tshirt and some athletic shorts!  the shoes were the best part for both of them so thanks to both grandmothers for having their feet ready this year. 

we thought we'd make this pic a fun tradition!

we had an exciting walk with neighbors on the way to school!

caleb was totally in his element!  look at him coloring with his left hand!  so proud of him!

allie got him all squared away in his locker and he really didn't mind.  ;) both kids have their verse for the year and a family pic in their locker!

once we got caleb dropped off, i took allie to her class.  she wanted no help, no pictures, and she was just ready for me to go.  heaven help me in 7th grade... she'll probably want me to drop her at the corner.  ;)

it was a long, lonely walk home, but i had this little guy waiting for me.  he had fever the day before and was confused where allie and caleb went and why i wasn't home.  ;( he is a pitiful sick kid!

but it didn't take long for him to cheer up when he realized our first order of business was ice cream and a park.  he said, "mrs. mommy's class is the best!"  haahaa!

before you knew it... three o'clock rolled around and school was out.  check out that face!!

we went straight to a friends house for an ice cream celebration!! griffin got to join his two friends will and ivy!

allie got to celebrate with anna and emerson!

and caleb had some buddies too, but he was far too busy chowing down to take a pic with them!

it was a great way to wrap up a wonderful first day!


  1. i can't believe you have TWO in school!

  2. These are the cutest first day of school pictures EVER! My grandkids are so blessed to have such great parents and friends!


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