Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ahhh, i'm back

i believe that blogger has been making some changes and they have sent me into a panic (because i write a few blogs for a side job as well).  my problem...all of a sudden my blogs were written in arabic and it took me days to hunt down the right buttons to press to fix it all back up.  now that we are rolling in english, i'll catch you up.

 our little guy is standing... not on his own, but those legs are strong!
 A is missing her baby brother pretty bad
and, let's be honest, he is missing her too!

oh, and he's eating like a champ... this was his first time for carrots! yum!


  1. We are just coming into football season, right? Well.......THIS cheer is for G: Push 'em back, push 'em back, wwaaaaay back! He's growing up entirely too fast. Pulling to stand before officially 6 mo. old? Horrifying! He's sure a cutie!

  2. Oh goodness he's so big! and look at that hair! I'm loving it!!


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