Wednesday, February 16, 2011


even as I type this... i feel as though i could have this child at any moment... which probably means that i'll be pregnant another week and 1/2! HA!

The update from the doctor today was that i have dilated to a two and i am 50% effaced. He also commented twice on how low the baby was which could make for a quick delivery... We'll see??

i love how you can make guesses on so many things and be wrong about all of them.

in tribute of the big day here is a look back at the other three...

day of delivery

released from children's with a healthy heart

home photo shoot
(his whole story can be found HERE)


  1. At first glance I thought you had already had him and I missed it! Ha! You have three sweet blessings from God! I can't wait to meet the next one! Praying for you!!

  2. Come on griff!!! Be good to mom!!

  3. I enjoyed traveling back thru memory lane. The Lord is so awesome and has blessed You two....and us with the most beautiful children. They are each amazing, each different, and they all add such joy to our lives. We're so excited to meet Griffin. He's one,blessed little guy! Happy, healthy delivery, Mom and Dad.

  4. Wow! I love this post... what a beautiful family you two have grown into! What sweet babies, who are now adorable sweet kiddos! I can't wait to see a G's pic added! Love you Mandy and thinking of you all!


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