Tuesday, September 1, 2009

material things...

we found the leak!
oh, yes! that is our bathroom floor w/ a HUGE hole! HA! the plumbers found the leak under the slab, under our bathtub. while they jack hammered, we prayed that somehow it would be lightening related!
and it was! check out those burn marks! if you look close you can see where the lightening blew out the pipe. then, the heat welded the pipe back together - leaving a TINY hole.

i have to say that i'm just so thankful for our safety right now. for those that don't know... the lightening struck the tree on the far right, just behind the truck (on loan from a friend) and finally grounded out in the kid's bathroom which is the window on the far left b/t the two trees! it ran under the whole length of our home! ahhh! now i know why it sounded so bad and scared us so much! thank you, LORD, for your protection!


  1. That is so CRAZY! I am so glad that you all are ok and that no one was hurt... as bad as it is, it could be worse, Praise God for His protecting arms! I have a feeling things are going to start looking up soon!!

  2. AMAZING! I can't believe the pictures.I've been praying that they'd find the proof that was needed to insure that your leak was lightening related. We praise the Lord that you and the children were protected and not hurt....only scaring you to death. I still have visions of poor, sweet Caleb scooting on the floor after Allie. What a mess you have in the bathroom. What do the kiddos think about their bathroom being torn up?

  3. Cra-zi-ness! Oh Mandy, why does your life have to be such an adventure? Keeping you in my prayers and missing you like crazy!

  4. So, so thankful for your protection! Praying God's richest blessings on you today! Love you!

  5. Wow! Thankful for your safety! And, thankful for insurance! :)


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