Sunday, February 12, 2012

lake texoma

a VERY generous family gave us a weekend at their lake house.  we tried desperately to take another family with us, but everyone was busy.  here are some pics from that weekend away....

this is the bunk room.  this was one of the five bedrooms.   :)
i think the house slept about 28... CRAZY fun!

such cute stairs... fruit of the spirit all the way up them.

the view from the loft above!  COZY!

we taught the kids checkers and uno over the weekend... now they want to play all the time.

we built fires all weekend to stay warm!  so fun!

living room...

lance and i spent one night playing games too.


  1. Had a great time in Houston but it's great to be back home to see what the Sisco Six have been up to. What wonderful blessings continue to come your way! Love the cabin home and their fruit of the spirit stairs are AWESOME! Miss you and the kiddos!Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. How fun! Our girls LOVE uno!!! What was the game you played? looks interesting. I think of you all the time.


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