Saturday, September 18, 2010

ok, here it is

i have recovered enough from my working and shopping to take a few pics of the sale goodies:

caleb's loot:
caleb got a backpack to hold his soccer stuff and a new pair of cleats... be watching for pics of his first practice!
allie's loot:
she wanted nothing but dresses.... i stayed true to that expect for the pair of jeans and four colored shirts. she loves her shoes and has worn all of them multiple times already.

riley's loot:
before you feel sorry for him you should know that he is getting a new stroller to house him and the new baby and he got a tricycle to be revealed on his birthday. he has soo many brother pass downs that buying him clothes seemed silly.

mommy's find of the year:
i got allie a new bedspread for her new room (we should be making the room switch in the next few months so stay tuned).

on saturday, almost everything at the sale goes 1/2 price. so grammie and i gave the kids some money and let them come home with their hand selected treasures...
caleb got a bag of firemen that have kept busy for over two hours already!

allie got a new barbie

one of riley's favorite things to do is DRIVE so this was his steal of a deal (and oh, my... it makes lots of noise).


  1. You did GOOD! Now, are you like me and wishing the weather would cool off so the kids can actually start wearing all the fun stuff we got them?? Glad you survived the crazy week!

  2. You did GREAT Momma Sisco! What fun we had!


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