Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I made a dress!!!
I am definitely a seamstress want to be and i have been wanting to try my hand at patterns. this was the result!
i've been following lil blue boo for a LONG time now and i love how she reuses her old knits to make something new for her little girl. I used two of my old t-shirts to make this one. This one is really simple, but i needed to start small... baby steps! HA! allie loves it because it is comfy, PINK, and a dress!
two points for mom! :)


  1. Seriously?? You're doing COOL stuff with your kids, making scripture memory FUN, baking AMAZING cakes, and NOW SEWING DRESSES??? I got dinner cooked tonight - how's that for a successful day?? :) Really though, that's a super cute dress and Allie is looking sassy in it! Way to go mom and friend!

  2. So impressed! It's very cute. Good job!

  3. That's amazing! Love it, and Allie has the sweetest smile for the camera. Way to go, Mandy!

  4. Amazing dress! What a neat thing to do and Allie looks so pleased. Good job, Mandy.

    Love, Grammie

  5. I'm so impressed! And that really is a precious dress (and an even more precious little girl). I mean, if the dress was in a bigger size, I'd probably wear it!

  6. SuSu will be so proud of you! I made dresses for Avery but haven't gotten around to making anything for Kendall. You go girl!

  7. So cute! And I echo Ashley's comments...so impressed with all you do! I have a long way to go! :) Cannot wait to see you!

  8. Wow! I am very impressed! that dress is so cool and I bet Allie LOVES IT! So, will you make me my t-shirt quilt??? J/K


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