Tuesday, August 17, 2010

a few things we missed along the way...

the second half of the summer went fast and i am realizing that we missed a few highlights in the craziness...
we traveled to simonton to visit my parents and literally LIVED in the pool while we were there.

the wranglers were kind enough to let the kids ride horses this summer.... even lance got in on the action.

we all dressed up as cows and went to chickfila for free food... allie fell asleep in the car... cute sleeping cow!

my friend, kara, and i made this cake for the close of camp.... (this one is for my mother-in-law who taught me everything i know!)

allie has been doing her own hair! it is super fun to see!


  1. Oh, my! I soooooooo needed to see these photos to get my day started off with a smile and a thankful heart for all of God's creations. (oh, and good job on the cake. I'm so proud of you, Mandy)

  2. the cake turned out super cute!

  3. MAndy, great job on the cake! I love reading your blog, you make me laugh so much! What recipe do you use for your fondant?


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