Monday, February 17, 2020

Seven Years of Silence

I think it is appropriate that this site has seen seven years of silence. What can I say, I was raising tiny humans. Since my last post we have walked the highs and the lows. One thing is for certain, God has seen us through it all. I realized recently that there are 14 songs of ascents found in Psalms 120-134. The Jews would sing these songs on the way to festivals as they walked upon the uphill road to Jerusalem. The reason for this tradition was to remind themselves and each other of God's truths.

We are all on a journey, an ascent really.  Everyday we are being prepared for our eternity with our Heavenly Father. The the hard stuff - the uncomfortable moments - the joy filled events - all of them are part of our songs of ascent.

There is no way that I could catch up on the last seven years, but I'll start with a current picture and say that in the eyes of each person is something different than what was there before. Perseverance, wisdom, maturity, understanding, forgiveness, vulnerability, humility to name a few.  Lessons learned the hard way and some near misses of complete destruction. Even in the dark days, when I was unfaithful, uncertain, and doubting, my God was faithful. He was and is preparing each of our hearts for eternity. May we all keep singing the songs of ascent until we see Him face to face.

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