Wednesday, November 3, 2010

the BIG 5

monday was allie's fifth bday. i can hardly believe how fast she is growing up. the saying LONG days, short years is certainly true!

we woke her up with balloons which continues to be a fun sisco tradition. this year she laughed and loved throwing them back at us and into riley's crib.

then, the wild party ended up in the crib!

we also have a tradition of making breakfast special on each person's birthday. allie chose mcdonalds and they all had fun romping and eating with NO one else there!

lunch time brought mini cupcakes... all pink, of course.

and after naps she opened three gifts.

we are attempting to train our kiddos that birthdays are about celebrating a person not getting a bunch of stuff. we have learned that the more stuff we have in our house the less peaceable it is in our home. you may disagree, but less toys for us means happier children.

it was a special day for her and she is anxiously awaiting her joint bday party with her brother which is set for November 13th!


  1. happppppy birthday allie!!!!! 5!! can you believe it?!?! hilarious about the toys! if your kids are like mine they only play with one thing anyway ;)

  2. Mandy I am so with you on the less stuff is more happiness! Gabe is happy to play with very simple toys and he usually plays with the same ones over and over. I got rid of a ton of stuff at our last garage sale and I'm so glad I did. It simplifies my life and Gabe is just fine with out all the extra stuff!

    Also, I totally stole your book rack idea from Allie's room for my kitchen. I told my mom to be looking out for the hymnal racks when she went to sales and she actually found one last Friday! It's currently waiting for a new coat of varnish so that I can mount it in the kitchen to hold my most commonly used cookbooks. Thanks for sharing your design ideas!

  3. Happy Birthday, Allie! What a fun day you had with your family! We can't believe you're 5 already. You're such a good BIG sister.

  4. It is hard to believe that she is F-I-V-E! WoW. (I love the last picture with Caleb in his muscle shirt...from his costume maybe? Awesome).

  5. Really?? FIVE??? It just can't be! I remember driving to Tyler and holding that precious girl the day after she was born. Way to go mom on making it a special day for her! We love you Allie!!!

  6. this is great Mandy! What a fun way to celebrate. Thanks for sharing


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