Thursday, January 22, 2009


cooper licked his stitches open... here is the result!
i thought he would fight this thing until it was non existent... but, instead, i think he feels completely defeated by the lampshade! he's been home almost an hour and has not moved from that spot!


  1. HA! That's funny! Same thing happened to us when we watched a friend's puppy. Poor Cooper is looking like a lampshade!

  2. oh my! that's so cute! i love all the posts lately!

  3. AWWWWWWWWW.....poor Cooper.This pic certainly brings back memories. At least he's being good. Bear went absolutely NUTS, banging his head on "anything" that was within range. Seriously, haven't you ever felt like wearing one of these lampshades.........just for fun???


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