Tuesday, December 30, 2008

better late than never...


we've had something going on everyday since caleb's birthday party and i'm just getting a chance to tell everyone about his big day. we had lots of family come in and help celebrate and it was really fun. the day began with all of us (both sets of grandparents, sis, mom, and dad) waking him up with balloons and the birthday song. He was sleepy, but loved all the attention!

i made him a firetruck cake (his request) and i think he liked it! that is all he wanted to eat all day.

the gift opening went in rounds because he just wanted to play with the things he got and would become uninterested in what else there was to open. He also had LOTS of help from his big sister (as you can see).

one of his big gifts was a new trike... this is a man trike... check out the size of those tires. his feet are just starting to reach the pedals. i think he'll be fast by this summer.

1 comment:

  1. What a big boy! That firetruck cake is amazing - way to go girl! Can't wait to catch up and hear about Christmas.


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