Sunday, November 20, 2011

birthday bash weekend

we began a tradition last year by letting our two oldest have a joint bday party in between their actual birthdays.  this helps grandparents only travel once and makes party planning easier on mommy (their special days are only 6 weeks apart with thanksgiving and Christmas surrounding them).

we began by picking out a pair of socks for each of their 5 guest 
(basically we hit up the dollar spot at target)

we were headed to the bowling ally and the invitation read like this:

when the big day came they were so excited that sitting still for a pic was not possible!

allie wanted a strawberry shortcake cake:

caleb wanted a star wars cake (he hasn't ever seen the movie???)

allie was giving out free advice although it was her first time to bowl.

grammie was dishin' out the hugs.

the girls were all grins.

riley even got to bowl a little.

i tried to snag a pic with my friends 
(don't mind my lazy eye... i had pink eye the day of the party.... oh, joy)

caleb took a time out from bowling to play with his star wars characters.  he love them.

pics with dad because mom is always behind the camera

fun socks...

silly girls...

and then those boys...

oh, and griffin? 
don't worry.  
he had plenty of hands to hold him!

happy birthday party day... it was a huge hit,  super inexpensive, and low key.


  1. The Birthday Bash was a great success! Loved the cakes and the silly socks idea for the invitations was so cool. All the kids (and adults too)seemed to have a great time. Your friends are awesome! Thanks for showing us a great week-end, despite the fact that two of you were feeling under the weather. You are all amazing! Hope you're all better soon!

  2. Looks like fun was had by all! Your kids know they are loved and celebrated!
    Mama did great on the cakes!


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