Thursday, November 17, 2011


we made a thanksgiving tree (thank you pintrest) and have had fun asking the kids each night what they would like to add to the tree. we have everything from "found toys" to "Jesus." 

it is unbelievable what a difference it makes to focus on giving thanks... i need to make it a more daily habit.

we added one last night...  bittersweet as it might be.

that's right... the Lord has called us into a new phase of life and ministry.  we are beyond sad to walk away from pine cove, our community, our church, and our friends.  however, He has been abundantly clear in His desire for our family and we are anxiously walking in obedience.  The opportunity is a fantasitc one.  Lance will be the director of newly married ministry at watermark church in dallas.

so... we are knee high in boxes and asking for prayer as we transition our whole family in the next month.  there is soo much to do.  a house to clean, pack, and sell.  storing all our belongings until we find a place to live.  checking out schools and finding a place to call home.

there are definitely two sides to the coin... allie said it best last night, "mommy, i'm excited, but i think i will be a little sad too."  amen allie, amen!


  1. Excited for you guys and DEFINITELY praying for this transition!

  2. Love your Thanksgiving tree and love your exciting, bittersweet news. Congratulations and blessings as you follow God's will in your lives. I know you must be having mixed emotions about now. I know you have loved Pine Cove and I believe someday you will both know just how MUCH your ministry has touched lives. God is good ALL THE TIME and I know He has great things in store for you at Watermark as well. Bless you all! Will be praying for a smooth transition, sale of house etc. & for a replacement for Lance's position at PC. There's so many wonderful people there. (must admit, it's a little scary to think that Lance & Penuel will be living & working in the same town)Seriously, that's wonderful! Soon you'll be closer to family (1 hr. closer for us?) and many of your old friends. Add to that, all the new friends that you will meet and minister to and it's going to be perfect!

  3. I know this will be a hard move but it sounds like Lance might have a regular schedule and your summers won't be so hard. I pray that this goes smoothly! Thinking and praying for all of you! Love you!

  4. I know this is bittersweet friend, but I sure am excited about the "sweet" part! From one friend who hates transitions to another, I will be praying. So nice knowing that God made it so clear, and you are simply obeying, right??? Love you!

  5. So excited for you! Praying for smooth transitions all around! Loved catching up with you the other night! Love you!!

  6. So excited for your family, Mandy. Watermark is a great of my best friend's husband is on staff there. I know the transition will be tough. I'll be praying for peace for your family and that you would sense God's grace and goodness even more through this change!


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