Tuesday, November 29, 2011


i have had lots of questions about the advent calendar that i made last year.  basically i made paper pockets out of double sided christmas paper, numbered them, and then slipped a paper card in each.  all of the cards have a scripture reading (here are the scriptures) and some of them have a christmas songs to sing.  as a family, we sit down and write fun activities on yellow stars and i sneak them in the pocket when no one is looking.   here is a pic of what it looks like this year. 

this year i found a list of fun ideas to chose from for activities this year (thank you pintrest)... thought i would share it with you:
Deck the halls!
Take photos for Christmas cards
Buy a new Christmas album and listen to it
Make the house smell like Christmas
Make Christmas Cards
Read a Christmas Story Book
Wrap Christmas Gifts
Make a new Christmas Decoration
Color a Christmas picture
Build a snowman or hang up paper snowflakes
Make hot chocolate and stir with candy canes
Make a treat and take it to a friend
Watch a christmas movie and eat popcorn
Go out for a Christmas treat
Do something nice for someone
Do service for someone in need
Have a campout in front of the Christmas tree
Call grandma and grandpa and sing a Christmas song
Take gifts to teachers and friends
Read a story or watch a movie about the birth of Baby Jesus
Make cookies and write letters for Santa Clause
Read "The Night Before Christmas"

and for our opinion on santa... here is last years post.

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