Tuesday, November 29, 2011


i have had lots of questions about the advent calendar that i made last year.  basically i made paper pockets out of double sided christmas paper, numbered them, and then slipped a paper card in each.  all of the cards have a scripture reading (here are the scriptures) and some of them have a christmas songs to sing.  as a family, we sit down and write fun activities on yellow stars and i sneak them in the pocket when no one is looking.   here is a pic of what it looks like this year. 

this year i found a list of fun ideas to chose from for activities this year (thank you pintrest)... thought i would share it with you:
Deck the halls!
Take photos for Christmas cards
Buy a new Christmas album and listen to it
Make the house smell like Christmas
Make Christmas Cards
Read a Christmas Story Book
Wrap Christmas Gifts
Make a new Christmas Decoration
Color a Christmas picture
Build a snowman or hang up paper snowflakes
Make hot chocolate and stir with candy canes
Make a treat and take it to a friend
Watch a christmas movie and eat popcorn
Go out for a Christmas treat
Do something nice for someone
Do service for someone in need
Have a campout in front of the Christmas tree
Call grandma and grandpa and sing a Christmas song
Take gifts to teachers and friends
Read a story or watch a movie about the birth of Baby Jesus
Make cookies and write letters for Santa Clause
Read "The Night Before Christmas"

and for our opinion on santa... here is last years post.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

birthday bash weekend

we began a tradition last year by letting our two oldest have a joint bday party in between their actual birthdays.  this helps grandparents only travel once and makes party planning easier on mommy (their special days are only 6 weeks apart with thanksgiving and Christmas surrounding them).

we began by picking out a pair of socks for each of their 5 guest 
(basically we hit up the dollar spot at target)

we were headed to the bowling ally and the invitation read like this:

when the big day came they were so excited that sitting still for a pic was not possible!

allie wanted a strawberry shortcake cake:

caleb wanted a star wars cake (he hasn't ever seen the movie???)

allie was giving out free advice although it was her first time to bowl.

grammie was dishin' out the hugs.

the girls were all grins.

riley even got to bowl a little.

i tried to snag a pic with my friends 
(don't mind my lazy eye... i had pink eye the day of the party.... oh, joy)

caleb took a time out from bowling to play with his star wars characters.  he love them.

pics with dad because mom is always behind the camera

fun socks...

silly girls...

and then those boys...

oh, and griffin? 
don't worry.  
he had plenty of hands to hold him!

happy birthday party day... it was a huge hit,  super inexpensive, and low key.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


we made a thanksgiving tree (thank you pintrest) and have had fun asking the kids each night what they would like to add to the tree. we have everything from "found toys" to "Jesus." 

it is unbelievable what a difference it makes to focus on giving thanks... i need to make it a more daily habit.

we added one last night...  bittersweet as it might be.

that's right... the Lord has called us into a new phase of life and ministry.  we are beyond sad to walk away from pine cove, our community, our church, and our friends.  however, He has been abundantly clear in His desire for our family and we are anxiously walking in obedience.  The opportunity is a fantasitc one.  Lance will be the director of newly married ministry at watermark church in dallas.

so... we are knee high in boxes and asking for prayer as we transition our whole family in the next month.  there is soo much to do.  a house to clean, pack, and sell.  storing all our belongings until we find a place to live.  checking out schools and finding a place to call home.

there are definitely two sides to the coin... allie said it best last night, "mommy, i'm excited, but i think i will be a little sad too."  amen allie, amen!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

second season down

after the last soccer game we had a brunch and award ceremony.
  the kids were totally juiced and doing a drum roll on the table.

all that work finally payed off!

one last pic of the team...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

i forgot to show you

our latest cake.

we had to make it in two pieces to transport it to dallas:

we also made rice krispy pops to match.

and did i ever show you our logo? 
major props to our friend brad wofford for his artistic ability and creativity
here it is...

let me know what you think!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Treasuring Two!

he's still the epitome of the Jekyll and hyde kid, 

but you're never at a loss for crazy!

he is in a tight running for the loudest voice in the fam.

and he gets the award for MOST ADVENTUROUS!

but man, he can steal your heart when he slows
down long enough to use that raspy voice 
to say something super-dooper sweet!

and he gives the best running start hugs!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Allie's Birthday

OH MY, OH MY!  could our little girl really be SIX???
she use to fit on my chest... sigh.

poor thing was sooo sleepy from trick-or-treating the night before, but we still woke her up with balloons!!
 and then, off to mcdonalds (her choice) for bday breakfast.  our girl may be in school, but family still comes first.

we opened some gifts...
she got a travel bag with a set of foam rollers,

a grey sweatsuit with hand stitched flowers and owls,

and the continually asked for friend for strawberry shortcake, lemon meringue. 
 we took her to school about 30 minutes late, but she was armed with her birthday cookies. she wanted butterflies for the girls and circles for the boys.

 we ended the evening eating pizza, watching tangled and, of course, rolling her hair!  :)
happy sixth birthday sweet girl!!!  you are a beautiful gift and we LOVE you so very much!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat

i will let the pics speak for themselves!

our friends, the wallace's, invited us over for chili and fun before trick or treating. this is their precious Cinderella.

more friends!

daddy and his little turtle

a group shot of most of the kids just before venturing into the neighborhood.  we had a sweet foster baby in the photo... we hope she is a permanent part of the family soon and then you can enjoy her beautiful face too!  ;)

we ran into allie's friend, maggie, at the end of the night.... two little cheerleaders!