Thursday, October 23, 2008

update on baby #3

everything has gone well with this pregnancy. i was sick in the first trimester for the first time ever, but it was a small price for the reward in the end. all my tummy checks with the doctor have been positive and we've heard the heart beat several times. i'm writing to ask for a little prayer a week from tomorrow. lance and i will be going in on Oct. 31st to see a specialist. my doctor referred us as a precautions with the history of caleb's heart. the largest purpose of the appointment is to determine the condition of this baby's heart before labor. if something were to look unusual, my doctor would have me deliver this baby in dallas where they have the facilities to handle those issues. my doctor, lance, and myself do not anticipate finding anything other than the ordinary, but as the day approaches my mind has wondered to the what ifs. as our friends and family, we are asking that you keep the health of this baby and the this doctor (kevin mcgee) in your prayers.

thanks so much friends!!


  1. I will SO be praying for your little punkin. And for you...mommy what-if thoughts are sure hard to keep captive, I know that! I'll watch your blog to hear how the appointment goes.

  2. We'll definitely be praying for you guys on Friday. I can't wait to meet this newest little Sisco...I'm still thinking girl. :)

  3. We'll be thinking of you and praying for news of a great report from the doctor on Friday. May you sense God's comfort and peace as you travel to Dallas and partake in this "amazing" test that allows the doctors to check out our precious little grandchild's heart. We're anxiously waiting for Baby #3!!!


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