Saturday, October 11, 2008

playin' with pumpkins

first off... how about it?? five posts in one week... pretty amazing!

second... i've been feeling like a slacker of a mom lately and decided it was time to get creative and educational with my children (after all, i am a teacher)! this week we studied the letter P and had all sorts of fun with pumpkins. hopefully, at some point, our kids will do the P rap for you! It was pretty cute. HA!

These are the paper pumpkins that we made. the kids had fun tearing paper and using a glue stick. allie decided to hang these in the window for our dog, cooper, to enjoy!

We also bought a bag of mini pumpkins and had an afternoon of painting. this really was a fun time. painting outside is the best... mommy, doesn't seem to stress as much.

this is when caleb first started... it is a long story, but make sure and notice allie in time out behind caleb on the porch... the facial expression is GREAT!

check out that color blending...
allie was soo proud of her creations. she has been moving them all over the place. it makes me smile to walk around the corner and find pumpkins in a new spot.


  1. What fun memories you are making with your "creative" children.I'm really enjoying the smiles I keep seeing from Allie and Caleb is so happy, he makes me smile too. Kudos, Mom for all the posts! I love you!

  2. Hey guys.
    James Lorenzen here.
    Glad to see some pics of the family. We miss you guys.
    I enjoy reading your blog. Keep'em coming.


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