Saturday, October 25, 2008

how do you title this?

so we were at the plant nursery on Thursday afternoon. caleb was crawling around in one of the wagons, allie was running up and down the aisles, and lance and i were trying to decide between purple or orange pansies. please visualize with us that we were in a huge tented area (possibly the size of a football field) and all the flowers are on the ground, making it possible to see from one end to the other easily.

we finally settled on the orange for a fall color and lance began collecting 15 to fill a flat. i had walked to the door of the tent to watch caleb when i suddenly heard, "Allie, honey!" upon turning around my husband was holding a large flat of pansies and completely exposed from the waist down. seriously... no pants, no underwear, and no hands to help!!!!!!

i'm tearing up just writing it... hands down... the funniest moment of my life. after i recovered, lance explained that when he began to walk toward the door allie thought he was leaving her. she started running, tripped, and in desperation grabbed his pants - pulling them all the way to his ankles.

i hope this brings a boost to anyone needing a good laugh today!


  1. That gave me such a good laugh. I can't wait to tell Brad the story when he gets home. I am glad Lance let you post the story!

  2. I read this post twice, because I couldn't believe what I was reading! Not Lance....Mr. Tidy Bowl? Maybe now at our family gatherings, everyone will stop "remembering" when I left a restaurant with my dress/slip tucked into the back of my panty hose and NOW pick on Lance! Sounds like Lance either needs to eat more or buy smaller pants!!!

  3. Oh. My. Goodness.

    WOW! Very funny. To us. Probably not to Lance, huh? Joel will want to hear this!

  4. OK, I'm crying so hard right now - we'll talk about this later!

  5. OH MY GOSH. Did they press charges for indecent exposure? It was nice knowing you Lance. I will be sure to bring a belt on Wednesday for you.

  6. Haha! I read it to Chad! He was in tears. We both were. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Why do embarrassing things like this always happen to your family??!! We are laughing hysterically...thanks for sharing!

  8. Hilarious. I can't even imagine.!


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