Tuesday, October 7, 2008


lance and i were able to get away for some much needed R and R. the destination was Seattle, Washington. we've never been there and it is, hands down, the most beautiful place in the US that i've been to yet. there are plants, flowers, and trees EVERYWHERE you look. the brief rundown of our time is as follows:

underground historical tour... very cool!
baseball game... poor mariners
open market
site seeing
seafood tasting

it was the perfect opportunity to reconnect and remember how to slow down and enjoy being together!


  1. I'm so glad you had a great time. You guys look great!

  2. Yay for mommy and daddy vacations!!! I told you you would love it!! I'm so glad you got a chance to go!

    Miss you!

  3. That picture of you and Allie with the pink shirts is so cute! I've loved catching up on your life. Sad, huh? Since we live 5 minutes from each other. I agree - girl date is in order.


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