Saturday, September 20, 2008

kids fest in bergfield park

tyler doesn't have alot going on so when anything happens you might as well go for it! Today we took the kids to kids fest and it was a pretty fun Saturday morning. they got to slide down an inflatable slide, watch a cow get milked, pet a goat, win prizes, and (the hands-down BEST)... hugging mickey mouse. or as caleb says, "look, mom, mickey mouse club house!"


  1. So THAT'S how we get Allie to smile for pictures.....invite Mickey Mouse to the photo shoot!!
    Very cute pictures!These pics remind me of Lance & Kent growing up with their very own Mickey and all his friends! I'm glad you all had a good time.

  2. Love seeing pics of you guys!! We are coming to Tyler soon when David speaks...can't wait to see you!!


  3. Fun pictures! Anna actually has that same shirt as Allie - we don't even live close and still dress our kids alike! Sounds like a fun day at the park!

  4. Sounds like fun! Oh, and Mickey Mouse!


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