Tuesday, October 7, 2008

pappy's pumpkin farm

this is my FAVORITE time of year!!! and this year we tried out a new pumpkin patch and it was incredible. we weren't able to get a good shots of the kids together, but we had fun watching them get excited about everything that there was to do...

feeding catfish....
funny faces...
tractors, wagons, and pumpkins everywhere...

see-saw, merry-go-rounds, slides, playhouse....
and their absolute favorite was the barrel cars (they rode this four times)...


  1. What FUN - you got some great pictures of the kids - we'll have to get together and scrapbook those soon. :) Love and miss you - we'll talk soon!

  2. Cutest family pics EVER! It looks like you all were sure having fun and I wish Poppy and I could have been there too.


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