Thursday, July 18, 2013

4th of July in B'ville

Sorry to the rest of the known world, but this post is for the grandparents!  I think they are the only people that would want to see this many pics of our family!  HA!  Enjoy our trip in pictures...

fireworks in Grammie and Poppy's backyard

 practically falling asleep watching the fireworks in downtown B'ville

hey...  we're still smiling after all these years with LOTS of kids.  

and they have a fun time together too... praise the LORD!

downtown had bounce houses, games, food, and live music.  it was a really fun small town affair!

hey OH!

we have our moments too...
 sparklers.  so glad we got this pic because it took 10 layers off our youngests thumb.  and the best parent award goes to...

my girl!

 with daddy too!

4th of July arts and crafts

finished product

we played outside the WHOLE time... it was perfect weather!

did you know our poppy has his own skit closet?  he let the kids play dress up!

we hit up the park

and it's not a trip to see our gram and pop, if we don't go to the kiddie park too!

good times had by ALL!!! thanks for such a fun time, gammie and poppy!  We are counting the days till we come back in Aug!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good times and the weather worked out great! We had such a good time! You managed to get some great pics. So glad you got to spend some time with the Dawson's too!!!


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