Saturday, January 7, 2012

our urban loft

here is one view of our cozy place. 
that is the kitchen under the shinning light.  
and see that closet??

that is actually allie's room:

here is another angel that includes our computer area and sitting space.  griffin is tucked behind that dresser and see the other closet door??

that is the boy's room.  
caleb is on the left:

and riley is on the right

here is our tv and "walk in closet"  :)
that door leads to our bathroom
(oh, and really cute kid!)

and the master suite (filled with kids of course)!  :)

that's the tour of our space... we hope to post pics of a house soon, but so far we haven't found anything to make a fuss about.  
there have been some difficulties to living here, but really we are just super thankful.  
thankful to be together.  
thankful to grow closer as a family.  
thankful that there isn't much to clean.

but if you think of it, please be praying for the perfect place to come along soon! i'm ready to feel planted in dallas.  right now, i feel like we are on a REALLY LONG vacation.  :)

1 comment:

  1. What a cozy little place and you have your space fixed so cute! What an amazing blessing this is. I bet in years to come, you'll look back on this time as one of your best memories of family bonding time. What a blessing you've rec'd from some wonderful people! I hope you find the "perfect" new home soon. God has a plan!


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