Wednesday, January 4, 2012

between the christmas fun...

we had a few things going on...
you know- like packing and moving!

on the last night in our house, we let the big kids have a slumber party on mattresses on the floor
 and they thought that was pretty cool.

the next day we loaded up the U-haul while the kids played in the yard with their great buddies nate and eli.

one last pic in front of the house... can you believe we brought FOUR kids home to that house in just six years!?
The loeffelholz family surprised us with a sweet send off... such amazing friends!  sigh!

and as if that didn't get the water works going... kara left this book of verses for me in the car.  kara, friend, you are a friend beyond measure.  i will cherish every good and crazy memory that i have with you.  thank you for being such a wonderful friend and now, business partner!  these verses are life to my soul right now... thank you for having the fore site to know that i would need them... you are WISE and I LOVE YOU!

and the tears stopped just in time to see say hello to the big D!

we've been settling into our new place while looking for something a little more permanent... i've taken the pics and will post them tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You've done soooo much in such a short amount of time. Good friends are such a blessing. We'll miss seeing the Loeffelholz's as well. We'll all have to meet up at the Kiddie Park in the summer!


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