Wednesday, March 16, 2011


everyone keeps asking me how things are going... i guess the world wants to know what the day to day looks like with four kids five and under!

so pretty much it is insanity... there is always a need... almost always someone crying... and there hasn't been a day that didn't involve diarrhea or blood! i know you envy my life! :)

this has been a HUGE help! my sling... LOVE IT!

here was my first attempt at getting all our little ducks in one pic. i took ten pictures and this was the least blurry!

then there is the matter of this little guy. SO SWEET. SO GOOD! he is up to 9 pounds, 11 ounces. I get up twice a night with him and i could use about five days of sleep, but this too will pass!

my amazing man has been super great about going with the flow... every time you add a kid, life changes drastically, but lance does a wonderful job making the other kids feel needed and loved.

my mommy has been here the last three days and (next to the LORD) she has been my saving grace! funny how when you're YOUNG... your parents seem soo stupid until you become a parent and then they are the most brilliant people EVER! :) if you haven't found that to be true... you haven't been parenting long enough! :) i'll try to snap pics of mimi with the kids, but so far... there hasn't been time! HA!


  1. so great to see you today! wish there was more time :(

  2. Thanks for the cute pictures and update! Was Griffin inside your sling at the time of the picture? Just wonderin'. Too bad your face wasn't in that shot :o)


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