Friday, March 18, 2011

i'm 33-

but i feel elderly... HA!
seriously though, with no sleep and four kids i feel super old. i'm sure that will pass because, 33... i'm just hitting my prime, right? :)

here are some highlights of yesterdays birthday celebration.
it began with an all green breakfast. my husband is getting REALLY good at this!
green apples, green grapes, and kiwi.

green gatorade, aka: SHAMROCK PUNCH

shamrock cinnamon rolls with green cream cheese icing! yum!

and a bouquet of REALLY beautiful flowers!

my mom, the kids, and i went to lowes and grabbed flowers and plants for the front yard and then hit up chickfila for lunch.

then mimi babysat so that lance and i could have a date. we ate at julians and then swung by FRESH by brookshires to enjoy this.... an assortment of six different desserts... so yummy!!!

thanks to all my friends and family for cards, texts, fb messages, and phone calls! i feel truly blessed... even in my exhaustion! love you all!

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great celebration was had by all. I hope you can get some rest soon.


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