Thursday, April 1, 2010

please pray

caleb is having his adenoids taken out and tubes put in this morning. we know that it is a simple procedure. in fact, it will only take about 15 minutes. however, anesthesia, iv, surgery... just a few too many memories there so lance and i are a little nervous. we have been encouraging caleb that this is a chance to be brave and last night he remembered the verse "fear not for I am with you" from isaiah. we head in at 7:30 this morning. we'll let you know how everything goes later tonight. thanks, in advance, for praying for us!


  1. goodness girl! that boy is one thing after another! ;) i prayed for him just now.

  2. I was up and on my knees early this day, praying for Caleb.....and all the rest of you as well. I'm praising the Lord that surgery was successful, and that he is now home and feeling great. He sounded wonderful over the phone. Happy Easter!


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