Saturday, December 8, 2012


we headed to b'ville for thanksgiving.  stop number one was a Dick's Sporting Goods... get all your energy out crazy kids!!

promptly after arrival our little guy fell down cement stairs and tore up his nose.  ouch!

allie and i didn't realize it but we packed matching colors

i made a little game to keep the kids busy.  every once in a while this turkey would lose all his feathers and the kids would go feather hunting.

all the grandkids on Terry and his sisters side of the fam!

all the siscos!  loved having kent and his family there to share in the fun!

karen had a pumpkin pinata for the kiddos the next day... they loved that!!

scooter riding was a constant activity

and off to woolaroc... a museum in bville.  it was all decorated for christmas

that is actually my father in law in there!  ;)  those that know him do NOT think this is strange!  haha! he and some other family members and friends helped greet the kids at the museum that night.

coolest "petting zoo" ever... a buffalo!

we had such a fun time!  cooking, eating, visiting, shopping.  thanks for such a fun trip grammie and poppy!  can't wait to do it again soon!

1 comment:

  1. So Thankful! Thankful for a wonderful Thanksgiving and thankful you got your pictures going again. We had such a great time having everyone home this year!


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