Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Riley Day

it was time to take riley for a special day.  no laundry. no dishes. no sweeping... just something fun for him.  i grabbed up two super cheap tickets to the trains at north park mall.

look at that smile!

i was amazed at how pretty it was

every section was a different city in the US

really cool details.  this one got a thumbs up! ;)

he loved chasing them

check out the texas state fair!

and we must admit.... he did derail a train.  could you expect anything less?

griff had fun, but "whatever" was his general thought.

this little guy, though... didn't want to leave!

double thumbs up!!  haha.  so cute!

then, it was off to the free puppet show in the mall

both boys laughed alot!

and i even got a sweet griffin love midway through the show

isn't it cute?
we had a good day of just plain FUN!!!  i should take more days like that!!


  1. so fun! You all needed that and it's apparent by the cute little faces that both boys enjoyed themselves. Adorable.

  2. forgive me if this is my second post on this day but I think I may have deleted my first attempt. This has got to be one of my favorite posts EVER! Those cute little faces are priceless and it looks like such a fun time for all. You definitely should have more days like this one!


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