Tuesday, November 27, 2012


well, i sat down this morning all ready to upload our thanksgiving pics and tell you all about our break.  however, it seems that i have reached my max of photos in my "photo plan."  if you're confused... so am i.  i have no clue what this means or what i need to do.  but i have a feeling that it will take some time to figure out.  sorry to delay the postings.


  1. I had the same thing happen a little over a year ago. Google/Blogger only allows you to store so many pictures on their server for free. I am now paying $5 a year to get more space. It was worth it to keep journaling all about my little family (and for our extended family to keep up from afar). Hope that helps. :)

  2. Hey, let me know if you find the $5 deal everyone is talking about! Coincidently I just zapped my space as well. Julie just told me that she just received an email basically telling her that she got grandfathered in to that $5 deal. From what I've seen, it's 2.50 and 4.90 monthly now.

    Oh, and HI, and I miss you, friend! :o) Love you!


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