Thursday, August 30, 2012

ten years- it's a big deal!

i sat in a room filled with women the other day and listened to them share how many years they had been married.  several of them 20 to 50 years of marriage.  i began to think... oh, well, i've only been married ten.

but, no!  every year of marriage is something to celebrate.  it's hard work to see past each others junk and choose to love that person no matter what.  it takes alot of sweat and tears to push past the hard days and enjoy the good ones.  it's exhausting to continue to fall into the same negative behaviors and disappoint your spouse AGAIN! some days it might seem easier to walk out the door and stop trying.  the enemy sure makes a point to make us feel that way.  But that's a lie... so whether you've been married 4 months or 40 years - it's a big deal!  way to stick with it.  way to put your spouse's needs before your own.  way to keep your chin up and work hard to make the very best out of your life with another person!

lance and i got to celebrate ten years last weekend and it really was a sweet memory that i will cherish for a lifetime.

it began with our angel wanting me to put my wedding dress on and dance with her daddy.   so (although a little cheesy) i did it and it was precious to see her response.

mind you this was first thing in the morning... no prep... no shower... us in our 10 year glory! 

and then, of course, she needed to try it on too!  *sigh* scary moment when you have this reality check.  i bet it's here before i know it.

then it was off for a surprise get away.  we stopped and loaded up on candy, popcorn, drinks, and movies.

i'll have to admit at this point that i fell asleep.  oops!  tired momma.  but when i woke up we were at veteran's park in arlington.  which doesn't look super nice anymore... but 10 years ago it was covered in beautiful flowers and was the spot that he proposed.  major points for bringing me back here.  it brought a flood of memories.  it was like a film strip in my head of the last 10 years. 

he gave me an anniversary band.  isn't it beautiful???  five more makes...ten! i have to brag because i LOVE it and look at it often as a reminder of the time spent together. 

we stayed the night at the hyatt place by the stock yards in fort worth.  that is such a cool area if you're ever that way.  and we ate at reata which was super nice and way yummy.  this was just dessert but we also ate an appetizer, salad, and main course.  OH MY

the next morning we thought we'd do a little shopping and try to find something tin (did you know that is the official ten year gift?).  we stumbled across one of these which we have a goal to collect and put different candies in.  this one make TWO!  yeah!

and just so you all don't think i'm a total slap... i did a few things for my guy too. 
i made him a card.

filled a jar with my ten favorite memories from the last 10 years.  it was fun to laugh about many of those.

i filled the outside fridge with all his favorite drinks.  that may seem random, but we do water, tea, and milk in the sisco home.  this is all for him!!

i also made him a "what a difference a day makes."
these are all the important dates, but really it was just a day in time... crazy to think how big each of these moments were.
there was one other gift, but it was not photographed.  ;)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

back to school

with school starting back and two of our kiddos attending public school we had lots to get ready for.  if you haven't ever read our reasoning for choosing public click here.  the same thoughts/ prayers applied this year to both of our oldest.  however, that is a decision that we don't take lightly so before they head of into "the world" we have some things to go over.  we try to make it fun, but intentional for what they are needing.

lance took caleb to a baseball game and got to talk to him about confidence, respect, and  I Corinthians 16:13.  they also had a few conversations about safety and appropriate behavior because you just never know what your sweet ones will encounter.

this year i took allie to paint pottery.  we got to talk about Ephesians 1:10 and what it means.  our goal for her is to remember who she is and whose she is.  we also had a little more in depth discussion about our bodies and some things that come with that.  ;)

 we decided it would be fun to make a "special plate" that we can use to celebrate fun accomplishments throughout the year!  we haven't gotten it back yet, but we're excited to see how it turned out.  she painted purple on the front and orange on the back (for the boys)!

first day breakfast! muffins and scrambled eggs! yummo!

let's do this!!! 
i love the difference in boys and girls... allie wanted to wear a cute skirt and dress up and caleb just wanted his cool tshirt and some athletic shorts!  the shoes were the best part for both of them so thanks to both grandmothers for having their feet ready this year. 

we thought we'd make this pic a fun tradition!

we had an exciting walk with neighbors on the way to school!

caleb was totally in his element!  look at him coloring with his left hand!  so proud of him!

allie got him all squared away in his locker and he really didn't mind.  ;) both kids have their verse for the year and a family pic in their locker!

once we got caleb dropped off, i took allie to her class.  she wanted no help, no pictures, and she was just ready for me to go.  heaven help me in 7th grade... she'll probably want me to drop her at the corner.  ;)

it was a long, lonely walk home, but i had this little guy waiting for me.  he had fever the day before and was confused where allie and caleb went and why i wasn't home.  ;( he is a pitiful sick kid!

but it didn't take long for him to cheer up when he realized our first order of business was ice cream and a park.  he said, "mrs. mommy's class is the best!"  haahaa!

before you knew it... three o'clock rolled around and school was out.  check out that face!!

we went straight to a friends house for an ice cream celebration!! griffin got to join his two friends will and ivy!

allie got to celebrate with anna and emerson!

and caleb had some buddies too, but he was far too busy chowing down to take a pic with them!

it was a great way to wrap up a wonderful first day!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

broken arm adds MORE crazy

i just realized that nothing has been posted in weeks!  it is just a testament to the last insane week.  why is the week before school always crazier than the first week of school? i was already anxious about last week and getting everything done.... we had something EVERY evening and most nights i had something to make and bring with me.  CRAZY!!!  and, then, on Sunday caleb took a casual fall off the high bar at the park and instantly grabbed his arm.

we waited a couple of hours to check the validity of the hurt arm because there were no outward indications.  then, it was off to care now for xrays. 

xrays showed blood in the elbow joint but no apparent break.  they sent us off to the ortho the next day. 

ortho showed the SAME thing... we can't find that break. he will return to the ortho tuesday to have a third round of xrays and we are hoping they find what they suspect and can cast it.  if they do not find a break, he will be getting an MRI.

of course, caleb will be starting his school career TOMORROW with a cast on his writing arm.  he is such an easy kid... it is not slowing him down.  he even wrote his name with a paintbrush with his left hand yesterday. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

big adventures

i promise to wrap up our fun times at pine cove soon, but there was so much excitement to post! 
we had two family outings that included a little bravery and tons of excitement.  the first was the climbing wall / zipline.  allie and caleb had done the zip line, but riley and i were up for our first time! 

yikes!  i hope i don't die!

the whole fam (minus little guy)... it was only slightly warm waiting in the sun with helmets and harnesses. 

allie and caleb mid flight

riley wondering if this was a good idea.

allie conquering the climbing wall.

caleb at the top

next up was banana boating and griff got to join us for that.  our friend, mason, was at the doc too and we asked him to ride with us!  it was so fun to catch up with him.

my girl

cruising the waves

switch and riley braves up!

griff made up his own fun. 

the kids LOVED falling off!

on the way back the boys thought they looked like the pigs on angry birds... oh, my!
i know... i know.  i look like a scared duck jumping off the platform and my kids look like pros!  no judging... things get scarier the older you get! ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

another INCREDIBLE day

wednesday we woke up early and tip toed away for a morning trail ride.  got a chance to wear my boots again!

this was my first time on a pc horse... after 12 summers... i thought it was time! ;)
i did not feel like we were in east texas at all.  the weather was cool with a slight breeze and the trail we took was in an area i had never been in before.  sooo pretty!

the trail ride ended at this quaint cabin that was completely prepared for the breakfast feast that was about to be laid before us.  mountain top muffins, eggs, fruit, maple bacon, and biscuits.  it was fit for a king... unbelievably yummy!

 one of the most dangerous places to be... dock side as kids cast out metal hooks... caleb hooked three people and no fish.  ;)

riley snagged his first fish!  way to go big guy!

and allie caught herself a snapping turtle.  haha!

later that evening we dressed for famous family frenzy... 
we were the incredibles!

with one kid too many... riley decided to be incrediboy.  we even gave him red hair!  he was adorable.

pic of the night...

this was moments before family devo... need i explain how that went?

and a pic of the entire family!