Sunday, January 1, 2012

christmas: part two

after our home celebration, we loaded up and headed to oklahoma to celebrate with grammie and poppy

here is our brown eyed beauty in front of the tree!

this tree is SOMETHING ELSE!!  it is poppy's pride... covered in a million different ornaments and colors AND it spins! 

even griffin couldn't stay away one morning

sleepy eyes, but big smiles!

grif got a cute hat that we couldn't get him to leave on

and riley might be looking into photography... he did this for an entire hour!

the gangs all here...

one last photo before we hit the road.  it was fast, but it was fun!
thanks for showing us a great time grammie and poppy!  can't wait to see you soon!


  1. Such a great time! It was great having you, Lance and the kiddos home this year. The kids are so fun! Thanks for capturing some great shots.
    Riley actually took some great pictures! Allie girl, you're beautiful and boys? You guys melt Grammie's heart.We loved our time with each and every one of you!
    When A,C and R decorated the gingerbread house, they really worked awesome together, creating a masterpiece. Best part....I only found two M&Ms on the floor afterward!!! amazing!


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