Friday, August 19, 2011

three quick days of VACA

when your hubby's busy season ends on a sunday, meet the teacher is on thursday, and there is a new baby in the family... it makes LOTS to pack into three days. i'll try to make it short and sweet while hitting all the highlights!

we drove to OKC on Sunday

and had some fun on the river walk

grammie and poppy met us there

and took us to Zios for dinner... YUM!

we rode one of the river boats after dinner.
mom and dad caught a quiet moment!

monday morning we headed to canadian, tx to see lance's bros family. they took us to a gem of a restaurant, the bucket, for lunch. homemade EVERYTHING from bread to tortillas to cookies! why do you have to be soo far??

drum roll please... the biggest reason for the trip...
this is Kiptyn!!

uncle lance got to hold the little guy!
while uncle kent got to hold griffin for the first time

then it was off to the canadian fire department. Uncle kent is a volunteer fire fighter. he got the kids tshirts and let them climb all over the trucks!

they even tried on the equipment!

caleb hanging out with his cousin mason on the front of the truck.

and as soon as it started... it was over. we had to say goodbye to the fam and head back to OKC. we got back to the hotel around 11:30pm and pitched the kids in bed (ask me later how you get four sleeping kids from the car to the 4th floor without waking them up ☺)

the next morning we hit up the hotel pool before leaving for dallas.

we got to dallas in time to eat at twisted root! BEST burgers EVER!

and we found a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L park to play around in.

and that wraps it up... we drove home the next morning ready to get back into a normal routine in the sisco home!


  1. OK, lots to say on this post! First, LOVE the picture of you and Lance (the kids too, but I know pics of just us and our hubbies are rare!) Second, Kiptyn is a cutie. Third, I've heard amazing things about Twisted Root but haven't made it there. Fourth, what park did you stop at..we need to try it! And finally, looking forward to first day of kinder pics...still can't believe it!

  2. love this! The funny faces crack me up and I'm sure Riley just loved the fire station!!

  3. Wow! You covered alot of ground in just a few days. We're so glad we got to see you guys along your journey. I love all the pictures and we are so glad you all got to meet Kiptyn! I sure would like to have 4X6 pic of all the funny faces!...hint, hint.


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