Monday, August 22, 2011

so brave!

A woke up excited this morning...
which is great because she has had alot of anxiety about this day.

it was hard to give up control and trust the LORD completely with this little girl and her day!
but so good and soo necessary!

extra kisses before we take off this morning.

i didn't want to embarrass A by taking a bunch of pictures, but i had to grab one! she whimpered all the way down the LONG kinder hallway.. she is the LAST room on the hall. but she came in, found her name, and sat... MIRACLE! i patted her shoulder and told her to have a great day. she didn't look up, but frantically colored her coloring page while swallowing hard and say, "umhum." :) she was trying to be sooo brave and big!

now if mom can be so brave and make it till 3 o'clock!


  1. Yea Allie! I prayed for you this morning...and then I teared up just thinking about doing this with Anna in one year! Nice shirt mommy!

  2. You did it!!! Your first day of school! Yay Allie, Mom and Dad. It was fun talking to you after school. I'm so proud of you and glad that you are looking forward to tomorrow.Keep the stories coming!

  3. So proud of you Allie Grace!! And super proud of you momma!!


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