Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well, friends... here we are again... a new year with new possibilities! lance and i have so many hopes and dreams for this year, but it really comes down to the fact that if we make too many plans and have too many preconceived ideas we will be more reluctant to what the Lord asks us to do. So we've set some goals for our marriage, our kiddos, and our spiritual walks, but other than that... we are waiting and watching with anxious anticipation of what Jesus has in store for the Siscos. i hope you embrace this year with the same mind set...

"Here am I. Send me!" - Is 6:8

i try to pick a word to help me focus each year... this year's word (given to me directly from the the LORD) is SLOW... slow my pace, slow my attention, slow my words, slow my anger. James 1:19 is going to be my verse! I know the Lord desires for me to be slow to become angry... I'm asking the Lord to help me in this area. with four kids the opportunity for stress becomes even greater and i want to be SLOW in my responses so that they are saturated in godliness... it has been a struggle of mine for some time and He is refining me GREATLY!

Happy New Year to each and everyone of you!!


  1. Love it. Your New Year's post last year has inspired me to sit down with Casey and talk about goals for our relationship and family. Thanks for sharing how God's working in your life. It's encouraging to hear how others are being changed!

  2. Happy New Year to you too! The scripture you speak of is a great one and one that the whole world can benefit from this year more than ever. God Bless you today and in the coming year!


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