Saturday, December 11, 2010

our blog

i've been telling my husband that the blog world is slow and boring lately. no one is really posting much and no one is commenting either. this morning he saw me posting some new pics for a post coming up and asked what i was doing. my response... "posting pics on a blog that no one is reading." he set out to prove me wrong and checked out the stats button on our blog.

have you ever done that?

wow, ok, 93 people looked at our blog yesterday.... and, yes, i do realize that that number could be hugely skewed by grammie who looks MANY times a day! :)

but seriously.... that is so many people... but no comments...

are you bored or busy? what are you looking for? more crafts? more christmas ideas? or the typical crazy sisco stories (of which, sadly, have been none existent lately! Thank goodness!) :) anyway, i want to keep sharing, but want it to be relevant so let me know what will inspire YOU!


  1. I look at my stats most days. it's crazy! there are people from japan and the netherlands that read my blog daily. haha. I'm reading your blog mandy. :)


  2. I'm reading! I'm reading! Hate to be a stalker and comment on every post, but I love PICTURES, funny stories, and stuff you're doing with your kids (gives me ideas of stuff to do around here) And then there's the other part of me that hates the fact that blogging has sort of replaced phone calls and face to face conversations - but thankful for frequent updates on the Sisco household! Now, I'm going to check my "stats" button - didn't know it existed.

  3. I love your blog because I love you, my friend. Anything that makes me feel a little closer to you is wonderful. I need to look at our blogs stats. Where is it? Love you tons!

  4. I love reading your blog. You have been a big mentor in my life and I love keeping up with your family.

  5. i love reading about your fun ideas, about your kids, your life- makes me feel like i still know what's going on with you even when i don't see you in ages! i love it!

  6. girl, you could always share the story of when you fell in the outside toy box. That was funny after the fact.

  7. I tried to look at my stats and it didn't work. :-( I read your blog every time you put up a new post. I like your crafty ones the best, but that is just because I get to see your family in person often. If I didn't, I would like the updates on your family the best. You do tell great stories!

  8. i think this allllll the time!!!! that's actually why i've been on a bit of a blog hiatus. i feel like no one ever reads it b/c NOONE comments!!! i feel like a freak if i comment everytime i read a post though ;) who cares! i'm on a mission now! ;) loooove keeping up with the siscos!

  9. Hey now. I've commented several times.
    I like just knowing what's new in the Sisco family.

  10. Oh Mandy please do not stop make me know that it's going to be ok! I check your blog all the time!!! 3 kids gets me a little "crazy" sometimes and I love seeing that you made it out ok and are even adding a fourth! Yeah! Where else can you go and hear hilarious stories that I can all too much relate too!

  11. I really enjoy seeing and reading about the ways you teach the Truth to your children. I love getting ideas for when James is a little older! I love your stories too!

  12. Mandy! I read your blog everyday! You have SO inspired me to be purposeful with my children...not just survive these times with three little ones! If you only knew how many times I've checked your blog knowing I would be encouraged by your life stories! And I'm always stealing your ideas!!! Please don't stop sharing your life with us!

  13. You inspire a wife, mother, and most importantly child of God. Your heart is amazing (along with your energy), and although some days it makes me feel like a 100% inadequate wife, mother, and child of God, you still inspire me to strive to glorify God in all of my rolls.

  14. I think that Google Reader may make managing following a gazillion blogs easier - but posting comments more challenging for those of us who are... lazy. Guilty as charged. Love hearing from you and catching up on your family!

  15. I'm a reader! Although usually in Google Reader, which means I always see when you post something new, but rarely go over to your blog to post something.
    I personally don't think that a blog is the best format for facilitating discussions - but is wonderful for sharing stories. And I LOVE to read whatever you write! You're so real and encouraging! And as a fairly new mom, I love to see how you make it all work!

  16. i read this and love it! this is how i keep up with what is going on in your lives and still feel like im a part of though i live hours away.

    i use google reader too so commenting takes more of an effort. but i read. i am just sometimes a little behind, obviously by the date of this post.


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