Wednesday, April 28, 2010

who knew?

so i have never clicked on that little button on my dashboard... "followers." i was so surprised at some of the people that i found that read this. HI! I began this site as a connection to our friends and family that live far away, but it has turned into a fun way to just say what is on my mind too!

as of a couple of weeks ago, i merged my other site with this one which simply means that i will periodically be posting the things that the LORD is teaching me as well. That is a shout out mostly for my PC girls that are missing out on summer bible study! :)

I'd love to hear from some of you that read, but don't comment... I won't write names... yes, i'm talking about YOU! I miss hearing from Ya!! :) I made it easier to write comments on my site. You don't even have to have a google account.... that is for my DAD!! :)

anyway, thanks for reading and spying in on our lives.... we are glad to have you and we hope that you feel encouraged and... occasionally laugh uncontrollably!

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