Monday, April 12, 2010

where i have been...

this week was our local children's consignment sale! you can check out all the details here. this picture is only the room of clothes... there was SOO much more! I volunteered on Wednesday night so that i could shop early and i worked it all day Thursday and Friday to earn a little extra cash! thank you to grammie for keeping the kids while i was away so much.

it would be impossible to gather all that i bought and take a pic, but let's just say that we did good! :)
we came home with new bedding for Allie, a desk (that is getting a makeover), 3 pair of cleats, 7 pairs of shoes, 18 pair of shorts, 16 shirts, 5 dresses, a swimsuit, set of new books, a shower curtain, Thomas the train track pieces, and three Christmas gifts that are put away for December.

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