Friday, April 23, 2010

livin' it up

at the ZOO!
riley got some cash for his birthday and we used it on a gift that keeps on giving. family passes to the zoo for a full year!
here is the crew (minus three babies) that came to the first of many trips.

allie and her friend maggie
caleb with two of his friends, walker and miller.... and the goat!
check out this HUGE ostrich!!
the big kids are checking out the elephants and giraffes!

Thanks to both sets of grandparents for the family passes!! we will be enjoying the zoo LOTS!


  1. SO FUN!!! Ya'll had quite a crew that day - TEN kids?? It's really fun to see Allie and Caleb with their sweet friends! A zoo membership is a great idea. :)

  2. We have a Houston zoo pass...we'll have to work out joining up at one of the two zoos together someday! Miss you!!!

  3. What a fun group! And seriously, how do your children have blonde hair??!!


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