Thursday, February 11, 2010

watch out world!

mandy is trying her hand at crafty!
i'm suddenly in LOVE with my sewing machine!
and i made this valentine garland from felt and thread! so easy and it makes us smile! i got the idea from here.
i also saw a rag quilt letter post recently that i loved. check it out here.
one of my friends is having a baby boy in just weeks. the name is to be determined so i spelled baby in boy fabric and tucked it into a rag quilt pocket. the back of every letter is done in brown corduroy.
hopefully it will make a cute addition to the nursery or be a fun texture toy for the baby!


  1. love this! how creative! I don't sew though... maybe I can pay you to make Chaz one?? what do you say?

  2. Cute. Mandy, I don't know how you find the time to do ALL that you do.Your are amazing and my son is a lucky guy.


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