Sunday, February 7, 2010

every good and pefect gift

is from above - james 1:17
that is our verse for this week. AND, in the Lord's good timing, we were blessed with a mini trip to austin. staying in a hotel room feels like being in a castle to our children. we had the opportunity to talk with them about how anything good that happens to us or for us is ultimately from him! while lance was at a leadership conference called VERGE, the kids and i played in austin.

jumping on the couches!
checking out the surroundings.... birds, rain, freeways...
isn't that what the cubbies under the tv are for?
the older kids enjoyed a big kid shower, but riley enjoyed the sink (there was not a bath tub)!
we had a great time.... thank you, Lord, for the ways that you provide...even the fun stuff!

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