Friday, August 14, 2009

Reese Rowe

i had the pleasure of getting to know Katie, Reese's mommy, at Baylor and through the marriage of my friend ashley. she was then, and is now, a faithful follower of our Lord, Jesus Christ. early in the week she delivered a baby girl, Reese, with serious complications who went to be with Jesus at just two days old.

i feel it necessary to pass along her story because of the trials that we endured during our caleb's first month of life. when we were facing the terrifying circumstance of possibly losing our son, i remember thinking, "Lord, if this is going to happen - please let it make an eternal difference in this world!" i so desperately wanted his suffering to bring others LIFE! that is my prayer for this precious one as well. i will warn you, however, you can not visit this blog in passing. the Lord will touch your heart deeply through this family who is able to glorify His name even in the midst of such great loss. katie and jason are a sure example that when we are rooted in our relationship with the Lord nothing can separate us from His love! May God bless you through this story.... a story of heartache, faith, and hope!


  1. THANK YOU dear friend - as I sit here trying to prepare myself for the funeral tomorrow - I can already see God's goodness and His hand in mine. Thank you for taking the time to pass along her story - may the celebration of her life bring glory to God.

  2. My heart is heavy with sorrow for this sweet family, yet thankful that God allowed them time to meet and hold Reese before she went to be with Jesus. What a precious, beautiful, little girl. This story brings back so many memories.....there are just not enough words. I'm praying for the family and their many friends today..and will continue at every thought of them. Thank you Mandy, for sharing their story with us. May God's peace surpass all earthly understanding. God, I lift them to you now.....


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