Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Look at them now!

i'm sure that any teacher from bartlesville high school would be shocked by the pictures that follow!
lance and his high school buddies (david and tommy) all got together this weekend with their families! we always enjoy our time with both these families and we wished we lived so much closer! the jones fam lives outside of Knoxville and the penuels are in Dallas.
from the left: tommy and annalisa jones with their girls caroline (4) and gracie (2); alli and david penuel with their son chapman(2); lance and i with allie (3), caleb (2), and riley (4 months)
so these crazy guys really did grow up to be great family men! 6 kids between the ages of 4 months and 4 years old and one on the way (congrats to the penuels!!!) we love you friends and hope to do this again REALLY soon!


  1. I can only imagine all the laughing... Looks like fun! Can't wait for a "girls weekend" :)

  2. Puh-lease! Make me stop smiling! This is awesome, seeing you guys all together.....what fun you must have had and what blessed children to all have such (cool???) parents!


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