Wednesday, July 29, 2009

five months!

our cutie just keeps getting bigger!
he rolls both ways, smiles LOTS, eats solids....
and just started talking last week. only his "talking" is really growling. it's funny! we're working on a video of it, but he stops everytime we pull out the camera.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

snowcones... take 2!

we found the place!!!
snow coney island in Bullard!
caleb ordered the "batman" and allie is enjoying the "barbie"
we will be returning to this spot often...
they had soft shaved ice, excellent flavors, and it was only $1.25!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Look at them now!

i'm sure that any teacher from bartlesville high school would be shocked by the pictures that follow!
lance and his high school buddies (david and tommy) all got together this weekend with their families! we always enjoy our time with both these families and we wished we lived so much closer! the jones fam lives outside of Knoxville and the penuels are in Dallas.
from the left: tommy and annalisa jones with their girls caroline (4) and gracie (2); alli and david penuel with their son chapman(2); lance and i with allie (3), caleb (2), and riley (4 months)
so these crazy guys really did grow up to be great family men! 6 kids between the ages of 4 months and 4 years old and one on the way (congrats to the penuels!!!) we love you friends and hope to do this again REALLY soon!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

we began the day with french toast and blueberry sauce. at least an hour after breakfast, i found allie looking like this.... she REALLY liked the blueberry sauce!
waiting for the fireworks to start...
this is caleb playing with a glow in the dark sword that he got for being in the wedding last month.
well, folks... this is the where the pics end b/c caleb promptly threw up all over our blanket and we went home before the fireworks began!
our life makes me laugh!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

some of my favorite products....

i love my hot sling! if you are in need of both your hands during the day than i recommend getting one of these. i'm excited for him to have enough head / back control to sit on my hip with it! today i was able to wash dishes, sweep the floor, and take the other kids potty thanks to this thing! (by the way: pic courtesy of allie!)

my friend, Bri, convinced me to buy this thing and we've already used it plenty. this is a picnic blanket that zips closed, has a carrying strap, and is machine washable. we use ours at least once a week. you can find them at bed, bath, and beyond for $20! we keep this one in the car and pull it out for everything!

ok, i don't know if i buy the acai berry craze, but i will say that this drink has kept my family well during the busiest season. caleb had a head cold last week and it cleared up quickly after drinking this juice for a day. i'm just saying.... usually, during the summer, our family is sick quite frequently and we've had a relatively healthy summer! yeah for vitamins and minerals!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Riley is eating cereal now... yum, yum

and the hair was out of control...
so we had our first haircut at 4 months... isn't that ridiculous?
but look how handsome he is NOW!
(be sure and scroll down... i've posted LOTS!)

surprise visit

my sweet friend ashley stopped in for a visit today! she got to meet riley for the first time!
and i got to see her sweet hudson walk and talk and be SUPER CUTE!
we laughed as we took this pic... remember when pics use to be you at your best.... well, i'll admit that i haven't showered, have greasy hair, and yes, that is spit up on my shoulder! i know you're all jealous!
look at our big kids! can you believe that they all sat still for a picture? thanks for the fun visit ashley! i know it was a sacrifice and probably had hudson off his routine all day, but we loved seeing you both!

what we fill our days with...

our sweet boys having some snuggle time!
this is "super why" not super man (from a kid's show on PBS) and he goes around finding secret letters!
allie with one of her girlfriends... "having a meeting!"yesterday caleb asked for his gloves, hat, boots, and jacket... "mommy, it's cold and i have to go to work."