Monday, November 3, 2008

sono excitement!!

thanks to all of you that prayed for us on friday. it was an emotional morning for lance and i. we prayed just before going in and had such a peace of the Lord's comfort upon us. isn't it amazing how you have NOTHING to fear when you are a child of the Lord because there is NOTHING that is out of His control.

the doctor looked at the baby's heart from a zillion angles and showed us things we'd never seen durning a sono. in the end, he said that we could definately deliver in tyler. he couldn't find any reason to even do further testing and said as far as he could tell at this point that this baby's heart looked great!

what a relief! Thank you Father!
here is a pic of the baby looking right at ya! maybe even waving too. sorry if it is hard to see. we don't have a scanner so this is a pic of a pic.

we keep saying "baby" because we decided not to find out the sex. if it is a girl, her name will be avery michelle and if the baby is a boy, his name will be riley luke!


  1. I'm so happy for the WONDERFUL news! Loved the sono pic and the names that you have chosen.

  2. Praise God! Such good news!

    I cannot wait to meet Avery/Riley!!

  3. I am so glad to hear all is well!! I favor the girls name!!HeHe

  4. praise God! love the names! xoxo

  5. What great news!! I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say hello. What precious little kiddos you guys have!! Hope all is well down there and sometime when you're in B'ville we should get together!
    -Megan Proctor


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