Friday, November 7, 2008

allie turns three!!

we started the celebration with muffins and eggs for breakfast. she had a special crown and b-day balloon. you can tell that she felt soo important!!

i attempted to make her a princess cake for her big day. i think that she was pleased and that is what matters most! she wanted help blowing out the candles.
her cousins came to make the day complete... aren't they cute together!
one word for this: ridiculous!
this was the look on her face when she got her "big" gift from mom and dad...
and this is her testing out the gift... her very own big girl bike!
i can't believe our little girl is already three. she keeps telling everyone, "i'm three and i'll go to school soon." it's really cute how excited she is for an event she knows nothing about!


  1. You did a super cute job on her cake! What a fun birthday!

  2. Dad and I are so glad we got to be there to be a part of the celebration. Allie was truly excited and she was so grateful for each gift and thanked everyone continually throughout the party (good girl, Allie). I'm so proud of the wonderful job you did on the cake, Mandy!


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