Saturday, September 20, 2008

kids fest in bergfield park

tyler doesn't have alot going on so when anything happens you might as well go for it! Today we took the kids to kids fest and it was a pretty fun Saturday morning. they got to slide down an inflatable slide, watch a cow get milked, pet a goat, win prizes, and (the hands-down BEST)... hugging mickey mouse. or as caleb says, "look, mom, mickey mouse club house!"

Monday, September 15, 2008

ike strikes

"strikes" is probably a strong word considering, that here in flint, it didn't seem like more than some strong wind... however, that wind did knock over some trees on the main road - leaving our neighborhood powerless for 27 hours and waterless for 6. not too bad considering what all was happening everywhere else. here is a pic of the kids enjoying a saturday night by candle light!
we are grateful for God's favor of protection over our family members in the houston area and continue to pray for their power to be restored quickly! my heart aches for those that have lost their homes or loved ones.... prayer continues daily for each of you!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008